Cette année, CONFORMAT a participé à Laborama, le salon de référence en Belgique dans le secteur du laboratoire qui s’est tenu le 17 et 18 mars 2016. Notre équipe a eu le plaisir de vous présenter les nouveautés de l'année, la nouvelle gamme de produit pour le prélèvement et l’échantillonnage, la nouvelle gamme biocide... Merci de votre venue !
Voir le site de laborama
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Conformat a participé à l'EHB Coordinators symposium le 18 décembre 2015.
Notre ingénieur commercial a pu échanger et trouver de nouveaux partenaires dans le monde de la salle blanche pour développer la présence de Conformat en Belgique.
Read more: Conformat à l'EHB Coordinators symposium en ultra-propreté
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Thank you to all,
Our customers, suppliers, contributors, a big thank you to all who came to meet us at the Contamin’Expo 2015 exhibition on the occasion of our 30th anniversary.
This has been a fantastic opportunity to introduce ourselves, to expose our products and to share some time with you.
A very warm thank you to our partners who were by our side for this occasion: Commend, Decitex, DuPont, Hupfer, LSB, Shield Scientific, Tactys, and Texwipe.
Rendezvous for the next edition…
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Organised by ASPEC, the Contamin’Expo exhibition brings together all the players in contamination and cleanroom control; it takes place from March 31 to April 2, 2015 at Porte de Versailles. For the occasion, Conformat, supported by all its partners are delighted to welcome you to stand number D12-E19.
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Clean room pharmaceutical expertise at the service of the cosmetic industry
CONFORMAT was created 30 years ago and is part of the Hygiatech group. Our company specialises in clean room technology: cleanroom, laboratories… Its profession has evolved, currently 65% of its activity concerns the pharmaceutical industry. For the last few years we have noted that the cosmetic industry is moving more and more towards cleanroom and controlled atmospheres. Our entry into the Cosmetic Valley reflects this orientation.
Arnaud Decourt, Sales manager at Conformat
Download the article
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Thanks to all the Hygiatech group's runners for their enthousiasm on this september 28th, 2014. For this seventh edition of the Luxembourg's run in Paris, 5 contenders were carrying up Conformat's colors either for a 10 or a 6 kilometers run around the SENAT and its gardens. A pleasant and sportive moment that will sure leave good memories !
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L'emballage ultra propre : gage de qualité en milieu contrôlé
Qu’ils se présentent sous forme de sachets, de films ou de gaines, les emballages ultra propres préservent le niveau de propreté des produits sensibles et les protègent contre la dégradation. Quelles sont les différentes propriétés d’un emballage et comment choisir le mieux adapté à son activité ?
Almadh Chefaier, chef de produit chez Conformat
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Conformat took part to the fortieth AFSTAL's colloque which took place from june 04th to june 06th, 2014 over the theme "The pain : a daily issue..." This commercial exposition, the biggest in Europe, has been an opportunity to demonstrate animal resources' flagship products, and also to meet all industry actors.